
“My sessions with Jacqueline were absolutely brilliant, a safe and open space I could talk to someone without judgement or fear. I learnt A LOT about myself in those sessions and learnt some great tools for myself. I definitely believe my confidence grew and my sense of clarity of mind, so thank you.”

“I enjoyed having someone I could be open with, trust and who was an 'outsider' to my world, it would often benefit me GREATLY speaking things over and I found by verbalising things I'd often come to the solution or heart of the matter myself, but something I could only gain by talking to someone outside and detached from my life. Jacqueline would ask some great questions that would make me reflect and get to the heart of the matter, not all the questions were easy but I massively appreciated that and feel like I grew as a person because of it.”

— Client Oct 2022

  • "I was able to hear 'me' and what I really thought about myself and my experiences."

    Client Testimonial 2022

  • "The work on saboteurs and sage were exactly what I needed to support my journey in being able to move on with my life."

    Client Testimonial 2022

  • "I couldn't have asked for more from this experience."

    Client Testimonial 2022

  • "My opinion of myself has completely changed. I now have self-worth!"

    Client Testimonial 2022